Health Promotion

We offer a range of Health Promotion services to help improve and maintain your health.  Please speak to reception for more information or to book an appointment.

Smoking Cessation

Smokefree Liverpool provide smoking cessation services on behalf of the practice.

Weight Management
Our Assistant Practitioner can give you advice and support in helping you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Please speak to our reception team to book an appointment.
Exercise for Health Referrals
Our Assistant Practitioner can refer you for free gym access to help you manage your weight and improve your fitness. Exercise is also very beneficial to many other conditions such as depression or arthritis.
NHS Health Checks
If you’re aged 40 to 74 and do not have a pre-existing health condition, you are eligible for an NHS Health Check every 5 years.  We invite patients for their NHS Health Check by letter throughout the year, including forms for blood tests that you will need before your appointment.  Our reception team can check if you are eligible for an NHS Health Check and give you blood test forms so you do not have to wait for your invitation letter.
Flu Clinics
Our nurses hold seasonal flu clinics every year. Please ask at reception if you are not sure if you are eligible. The following people are eligible for a free flu jab to protect them from seasonal flu: People aged 65 and over People living with certain medical conditions People living in a nursing or residential home The main carers for elderly or disabled person Healthcare or social care professionals directly involved in patient care Pregnant Women Children aged 2 and 3